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At One Mind we understood that In order to Create a Financial Structure on which we could build this Platform, could only be achieved by implementing a Buisness Model based on the advertisement in the Private portion of the Application.


Our Goal is to build The One Mind Platform on Our Own Private Servers in order to keep Your Personal information Private!

Your Personal Circles of Decision-Making
Deciding on what matters to You!

Whether it is your child's kindergarten or school Parent's Group, Whether it is your work place, an organization you belong to or your weekend outdoor activity group.

Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To

This part of the Application is private, therfore the information within these Groups will not be available to Anyone out side the Group.

Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To

Within The One Mind Application You can Create Your own Personal Decision-Making Circles and make Decisions as Groups.

Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To
Every member of the application has 5 To

Investing In The Future
of Hummanity

Every member of the application has 5 To

The One Mind Project is looking forward to collaborate with Independent Entrepreneurs all over the World who share Our Vision for a New Democratic Re-Evolution and the potential for a New Social Media Format. ​

Every member of the application has 5 To

Giving the power back to the 99%!

Get in touch with Our Team and find out the Business Opportunities we have for the Visionaries of Tomorrow!

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The One Mind
News Revolution

The One Mind News Re-Evolution is a New form of News Media where Independent News is at it's center.


Our News Channel will present the News from Independent Reporters and Independent News Channels, Reporting News from around the world as they observe it, with Honesty transparency and Truth.

There is another Revolution we desperately need and it pertains to the way Media functions in our world!

Every member of the application has 5 Tokens for each Virtual DepartmentMinestry(186).png

The One Mind Channel will Produce a News Platform presenting the different news clips from Around the World and provide commentary and Debate about the issues at hand.


A special emphasis will be drawn to the Laws and Regulations modified by the One Mind Collectives and their impact on the Community, Nature and wildlife.

Every member of the application has 5 Tokens for each Virtual DepartmentMinestry(184).png

Join the One Mind News Re-Evolution, send us your channel's work and become a part of the team.



Get the latest news about the One Mind Project, become a Founding Member.


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